DiverLaura on Earthfix!

Catch our own DiverLaura on OPB tomorrow at 11am!

“Clean Water:  The Next Act – Where do we go from here?”

Join us for a live online community chat for the anniversary of the Clean Water Act, Wednesday, October 17 11am-Noon.

Our team of journalists will share some of the highlights from our Clean Water: The Next Act series of reports. And we’ll bring other folks into the conversation to learn how communities around the Pacific Northwest are addressing pollution in local waterways.


Storm Water Season begins…

Have you ever wondered how all the water running along the streets during a rain storm looks to the fish?

Time-lapse that our team shot off Alki Beach – Seattle, WA

This site is one of the storm water outfalls that our team is surveying for a project baseline (www.projectbaseline.org). We are looking at both the heavy plastics and debris on the bottom (which makes an underwater garbage patch) and the beach plastics that are far more prevalent after a heavy rain storm. Our hope is to enlist non-divers and divers in the surveys, grow public outreach, and using multi-media, share the necessity of encouraging storm water management ‘best practices’ that are imperative due to the impervious concrete jungle we have created.

https://vimeo.com/51456008 (no audio)

or if you like it with a bit more bass, try:

https://vimeo.com/51491938 (bassnectar version)

If you are curious about the number of outfalls, more info can be found here:


The Tox-Ick Program Wins 2012 Sustainable Hero Award

Yesterday Sustainable West Seattle announced their 2012 Sustainable Hero Award at their Annual Picnic.  I was very honored to be selected as the hero for our work educating our community about how to reduce polluted runoff with our Don’t Feed the Tox-Ick Monster campaign.

In winning the award, I reflected on all the amazing volunteers who have helped advance our outreach efforts.  Among them, Steve Richmond, Kimberly Leeper, Laura James, Norma Tompkins, Liz Dunigan, James Day, Bryan Fiedorczyk, and Katie Humphries all helped craft our message and get the word out before hundreds of audience members.  To date, we’ve given our presentation at 8 venues before more than 300 audience members.  In addition to that, we’ve had 6,700 page views on our website, more than a third of which have been unique visitors.  Furthermore, the generous press coverage we’ve had through local news sources like the West Seattle Blog, the West Seattle Herald , and CBS Radio has amplified our message to thousands more.

If you know of a venue at a church, synagogue, school, Rotary Club, or other place of gathering and would like to schedule a presentation, send us a note at cate@tox-ick.org.  We’ve got a Spanish version of the presentation too.  Working together we can transform the region’s awareness so that all citizens of Puget Sound are empowered to make choices that protect our valued waters, and the amazing wildlife that call her home.

Thanks for caring!
Cate White

Wed. Aug. 15: Tox-Ick Visits Umpqua Bank in Magnolia

Learn how you can help reduce polluted runoff and help restore Puget Sound.  A free education event will take place tonight, August 15 from 6 – 7:30 PM at Umpqua Bank located in central Magnolia at 2236 32nd Ave. W.   The presentation will be given by speaker Liz Dunigan who has experience in soil microbiology, mycology, Whole Systems Design, and is a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) accredited professional.  The even is co-hosted by Sustainable Magnolia and Queen Anne.

To Learn More, Visit:


Tox-Ick.org Supports King County’s Barton CSO Control Project

The Tox-Ick.org program recently submitted the following letter to King County Executive, Dow Constantine.

Dear Mr. Executive,

The undersigned Board Members of Sustainable West Seattle, a local 501(c)(3) with over 1,000 participants, write to you today in support of King County’s Barton CSO Control Project.

Sustainable West Seattle has made it a priority to educate community members about solutions to polluted runoff with its Tox-Ick.org program. We have been very excited to see King County take progressive action to reduce the roadside runoff that overwhelms our sewage infrastructure and causes combined sewer overflows. As you are well aware, these overflows threaten Puget Sound and the health of the people and wildlife that depend on clean water.

We believe that the proposed green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) project is the right approach to resolve the complex problem of CSO pollution in the region. In addition to slowing the flow and reducing the volume of water entering our storm drains, bioretention swales have the added benefits of attenuating pollution through microbial action, calming traffic, and beautifying our communities. As urban density continues to increase, the benefit of well-designed green spaces will become evermore important. Furthermore, studies suggest that green spaces in urban settings increase the likelihood of people walking and biking in their neighborhoods. In sum, we believe GSI is the best solution for our community because of the multiple benefits it offers to the health of our waterways and our communities.

We are concerned by some information coming out of the West Seattle Community, specifically through the West Seattle Raingardens website.  A very thoughtful rebuttal to the concerns raised on this website can be found here:http://daily.sightline.org/2012/04/04/rain-garden-backlash-is-all-wet/

We understand that change can be scary and that unfortunate mistakes were made recently in Ballard that have caused some of the alarm to the GSI project in the Barton Basin. But we sincerely hope that these issues won’t derail plans for GSI in our community. Bioretention swales are a well tested and proven technology that have the potential for long-term cost-savings. They’ve been successful reducing runoff in neighborhoods across Puget Sound, including the SEA Streets project in North Seattle and the High Point Neighborhood here in West Seattle. GSI is so effective that it is becoming a solution of choice in cities across the nation, including Portland, New York, Pittsburgh and Los Angeles. In light of the vast success of this technology regionally and nationally, we believe GSI is the right choice for our neighborhood to improve the health of Puget Sound and our local communities.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best Regards,
Cate White, Director Tox-Ick.org and Former SWS Board Member
Chas Redmond, SWS Board Member
Patrick Dunn, SWS Board Member
Melissa Metcalfe, SWS Board Member
Wolf Lichtenstein, Former SWS Board Member
Gene Homicki, Former SWS Board Member

Thank You KIRO 7 Cox Conserves Heroes! $10,000 Awarded to Fight the Tox-Ick Monster

A big THANK YOU to the KIRO 7 Cox Conserves Hero Program, which awarded $10,000 to Sustainable West Seattle for its Don’t Feed the Tox-Ick Monster Campaign Wednesday night.  The Hero Program is coordinated by Cox Enterprises, KIRO 7 Eyewitness News, and the Trust for Public Land.

Laura James wins Cox Conserves Hero Award

Diver and volunteer extraordinaire, Laura James, was nominated by the Cox Conserves Heroes program for her amazing work scuba diving to get batteries out of Puget Sound (see short video of the Great Battery Round-up).  The grand prize for the award was a generous gift of $10,000 to Laura’s nonprofit of choice.  We are very grateful that Laura selected SWS to help us continue our fight against the Tox-Ick Monster.  Funds will be used to create resources to help other groups around the region adopt the Don’t Feed the Tox-Ick Monster campaign in their communities.

Together, many of us taking small steps like picking up dog poop, and larger steps like organizing education events in our local communities, we really can help restore Puget Sound.  Collectively, communities around Puget Sound can be the biggest force shaping the health of our waterways, and the fate of our cherished salmon and killer whales.  We hope you too will choose to be a hero.  If you want to get involved, contact cate@tox-ick.org


Tox-Ick visits the Rotary Club of West Seattle

The Tox-Ick Monster and diver extraordinaire, Laura James, made an appearance at the Rotary Club of West Seattle on July 17th.  More than 60 new audience members learned about polluted runoff, and the simple steps they can engage in to stop it.

If you know of an organization that would like to hear the Don’t Feed the Tox-Ick Monster presentation, drop cate@tox-ick.org a note.  We may be able to schedule a presentation in your community.


Help Sustainable West Seattle Win $10,000 by Voting Today!

By taking 60 seconds today to vote for Laura James as a conservation hero, you can help SWS win $10,000 towards its Don’t Feed the Tox-Ick Monster campaign.

Please visit http://www.kirotv.com/s/heroes/ and vote for Laura James

Votes will be accepted June 18 – July 16, 2012.  So, please, encourage all your friends to vote too!

The Cox Conservation Hero Award, organized by KIRO 7 Eyewitness News and The Trust for Public Land, has nominated Laura as a conservation hero for her efforts to restore Puget Sound.

This past year, Laura organized a diving team that removed over 1,000 lbs of discarded marine and automotive batteries from a West Seattle scuba diving site. It is for this effort that she was honored with the hero nomination.

Laura was drawn to diving by Puget Sound’s incredible abundance of life and profound diversity of habitat. However, what she has found below the beautiful surface of Puget Sound is a battle for survival going on just beyond the shoreline. It is a battle between the creatures that call it home and a massive influx of debris and pollutants that come from our roadsides, our storm drains, and our beaches.

The exciting part is that if Laura wins the award as much as $10,000 will be donated to the nonprofit of her choice. Laura has selected Sustainable West Seattle for their Don’t Feed the Tox-Ick Monster program. It’s a program that educates community members about how harmful things like batteries and other debris can be to our marine ecosystems. Even more importantly, it also empowers people to make choices that protect the waters that give us recreation, inspiration, and livelihood.

For this to happen, we need your vote! Select Laura James on the KIRO Cox Conserves Hero website:

Remember, voting can occur June 18 – July 16th, so please get your friends to vote during this window too!

Thank you, for being part of the solution! Together, many people taking small steps over time can develop into a formidable force that can conquer seemingly overwhelming problems, like Tox-Ick Monsters.

Thank you!

Watch Sage Taber Talk About High School Rain Garden

Sage Taber and the Earth Service Corps at West Seattle High School led a ground-breaking effort to install a rain garden at their school.

(View on vimeo: Watch Sage tell the story)

Sage was originally inspired to do something about stormwater pollution after learning about the importance of the issue at an event held by Seattle’s Restore Our Waters.  She became a woman on a mission and determined to install a rain garden at her school f
or the twofold purposes of 1) mitigating pollution and 2) creating an educational feature at the school that could help future students learn how to reduce stormwater pollution.

Many people rallied to help Sage achieve her vision.  Members of the school’s Earth Service Corps, the Seattle School District, Sustainable West Seattle, Sustainable Seattle, Stewardship Partners, and Friends of the Cedar River Watershed (FCRW) all worked together to bring the idea to fruition.

Kudos to all – and to Laura James for creating the video documenting the hard work.