Category Archives: Events
Tox-Ick Moves To Ballard, June 7th

Help Tox-Ick Go Viral: Friday March 30, 10-11AM
We want to see Don’t Feed the Tox-Ick Monster go viral. To support that goal, Cate White will be giving a presentation at the 2012 Storming the Sound Conference (produced by People for Puget Sound and the WA State Department of Ecology).
During the hour-long presentation, Cate will discuss how individuals and community groups all around Puget Sound can adopt the education campaign. The presentation will include an overview of the free resources that are available, tips on helping the outreach campaign take root in your community, and advice on how to find funding to support outreach efforts. The conference will be held at IslandWood on Bainbridge Island, 9AM-4PM.
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Sustainable West Seattle puts challenge to community
Sustainable West Seattle puts challenge to community
$1,000 donation to Pathfinder K-8 School’s Earth Project at stake
WEST SEATTLE — Help Pathfinder K-8 School win $1,000 toward a rainwater harvesting system for its Earth Project!
Sustainable West Seattle will be giving its “Don’t Feed the Tox-Ick Monster” presentation at Pathfinder K-8 School Monday, Oct. 10 from 7-8 p.m. and is challenging Pathfinder to bring a crowd.
The challenge: If 40 or more adults show up to learn about protecting Puget Sound, then Sustainable West Seattle will donate $1,000 toward the school’s Earth Project. To help encourage turnout even further, free pizza will be provided. Pathfinder K-8 School is located at 1901 SW Genesee St.
Pathfinder K-8 School’s Earth Project aims to “empower students to discover their connections to the Earth, themselves, and one another” and is a collaboration between Pathfinder and the Nature Consortium — a nonprofit organization also based in West Seattle.
The School Garden is the most significant part of the Earth Project and has become an integral component of many of Pathfinder’s classrooms. The garden affords opportunities to teach students about natural resources and healthy food. The rainwater harvesting system will help teachers educate students about the importance of conservation and the water cycle.
“This is a great opportunity to advance the school’s efforts to teach students about healthy foods and ecology,” said Bill Reiswig, parent of a Pathfinder student and a founder of Sustainable West Seattle. “All people have to do is show up for an hour and the school will get a gift toward a rainwater harvesting system. We’re trying hard to get the word out so that 40-plus adult community members show up.”
All West Seattle community members are invited to attend the hour-long event and enjoy free pizza. Sustainable West Seattle’s presentation will focus on actions each of us can commit to that help protect and restore Puget Sound. Audience members will learn about things like natural yard care, water retention systems, community volunteer opportunities, and more. To learn more about the project, visit
About Sustainable West Seattle
Sustainable West Seattle is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that educates and advocates for urban sustainability in our local community.
Contact: Cate White | (646) 957-6225
Your Help Is Needed for Duwamish River Festival – Aug. 27
The Duwamish River Festival 2011 is coming soon – Saturday, August 27th and volunteers are really needed.
Make this event more meaningful to you and help us make it more successful, efficient and smooth. Sing up and volunteer for the Festival day.
There is a wide array of volunteer opportunities and most of the shifts are short (2 hours) but feel free to sign up for more than one shift (you shall receive a prize if you do!).
Check out the different ways you can help and sign up using this link to Volunteer Link’s website (you have to sign up for a free account as part of the process) Continue reading
6th Annual Duwamish River Festival – SWS Will Be There!
down to the Duwamish Waterway Park, 7900 10th Avenue South in South Park, Saturday, August 27 for the 6th Annual Duwamish River Festival.
Sustainable West Seattle is one of the participants and we’ll be helping set up the festival from 9:00 am that morning and will be tabling and helping out when the Festival kicks into gear at noon through 6:00 pm.
Sign up for the Walk, Bike and Paddle events on Brown Paper Tickers. This is a special 9:00 am event which begins at Seacrest Park in West Seattle’s Alki neighborhood. You can walk, bike, kayak or standup paddle from Seacrest down the Duwamish Waterway to the Waterway Park.
The festival is free and will include live music, free lunch, kids activities, interactive booths,kayak and boat rides and more! Arrive in Seattle style and walk, bike, or paddle to the annual festival. Walk/bike/paddle participants receive an event shirt, a refillable water bottle, and a map at the start. Buttons will also be given at the Walk/Bike/Paddle finish line.
The Duwamish River Festival has been a summer favorite event in South Seattle since 2005, attracting hundreds of people each year.
Seattle’s Duwamish River is listed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a Superfund Site – one of our nation’s most toxic rivers. The Duwamish River Festival is one way that the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition/TAG ensures that River communities can learn about and comment on the River cleanup.
This year’s festival will feature updates on the Duwamish River Superfund cleanup, children’s art activities, kayak and boat tours of the river, local live entertainment and artwork, boat rides, free food, environmental health information, Bert the Salmon, healthy yard care, and more. Attendance is expected to be between 750-1,000 people throughout the day.
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Learn Local Watershed & Ecosystem Basics This Saturday
Join the Rain Water Walking Tour to learn local watershed and ecosystem basics. People for Puget Sound is hosting this walk, which begins at the Home Depot parking lot – 7345 Delridge Way SW, at 10:00 am on Saturday, August 13. The walk is co-sponsored by Sustainable West Seattle, Stewardship Partners, and the City of Seattle.
At the beginning of the tour you will learn about the ecology of the Longfellow Creek watershed, traditional polluted runoff management methods, and the effect of polluted runoff on local fish habitat.
The tour will then follow the legacy trail along Longfellow Creek, up 150 stairs, to the High Point neighborhood to view sustainable development solutions to polluted runoff. An optional discussion will conclude the event from 1:00 to 2:00 pm at the High Point Community Center.
- Learn about polluted runoff as the single biggest unaddressed source of pollution of Puget Sound
- Learn about solution to help reducing the runoffs
- Advocate to friends and networks to do the same
- Become citizen activists campaigning for clean water
The tour is free and family friendly. Please wear comfortable shoes. This is an interactive walking tour. There are only 30 spots available so RSVP to Emily Fales at For more information call Franziska McKay at 206-382-7007, extension 161.
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Help Create California Avenue Rain Garden Saturday
Join Sustainable Seattle and Alleycat Acres in digging the first rain garden in the Russell Foundation-funded Sustainable Rain project. Come help create a rain garden in West Seattle this Saturday, July 30, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at 5902 SW California Avenue SW, near corner of SW Juneau St.
Come help create this garden at a business/residence, protect the Puget Sound, and support sustainable businesses. Come for as long as you can, meet great folks, and learn about rain gardens.
Bring shovel (if you have), gloves, and water to drink. Bring kids if you can supervise them.
For more information, contact Amy Waterman,Project Lead,, by phone at 206-719-0534. Check out the Sustainable Seattle Stewardship Develpment at[mappress mapid=”407″]
Help Restore Native Forest in West Duwamish Greenbelt
The Nature Consortium is seeking volunteers on a regular basis for Urban Forest Restoration in the Duwamish Greenbelt.
The work parties meet every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in the West Duwamish Greenbelt in West Seattle, locations within the greenbelt vary, but you can get directions to the work party location for a particular day by RSVP-ing to the sign-up page on their website –
The West Duwamish Greenbelt is the largest contiguous forest in the city of Seattle, stretching from West Seattle to Burien. It includes 182 acres of park land and another 300 acres in privately owned land.
Foxes, red-legged frogs, hawks, and bald eagles are found within the greenbelt. Each work party begins with a short informal forest ecology workshop, and we spend the remainder of the time performing various restoration activities, including planting native trees and shrubs, removing invasive species, mulching previously-planted areas, and more.
To connect art into this project we hire local musicians to perform in the woods during many work parties.
For more information and to sign up, contact Lizzie Jackson (Petrin), 206-923-0853,, Restoration Project Coordinator, Nature Consortium, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW) suite #107, first floor right near top of ramp.
Also checkout out the Nature Consortium’s web at
Walking Tour of Rain Water Solutions in High Point Area
People for Puget Sound, a non-profit group working to protect and restore the health of Puget Sound and the Northwest Straits through education and action, Has organized a rain water tour in West Delridge and Highpoint neighborhoods.
The tour will meet at Home Depot located at 7345 Delridge Way SW (between Orchard St & S Sylvan Way) Seattle, at 10:00 am Saturday, August 13.
The tour will follow the legacy trail along Longfellow Creek, through the local greenspace, and up the 150 stairs to the High Point neighborhood to view sustainable development solutions to storm water runoff. An optional discussion will conclude the event.
If you are interested in participating please contact People for Puget Sound intern, Emily Fales at
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