Watch Sage Taber Talk About High School Rain Garden

Sage Taber and the Earth Service Corps at West Seattle High School led a ground-breaking effort to install a rain garden at their school.

(View on vimeo: Watch Sage tell the story)

Sage was originally inspired to do something about stormwater pollution after learning about the importance of the issue at an event held by Seattle’s Restore Our Waters.  She became a woman on a mission and determined to install a rain garden at her school f
or the twofold purposes of 1) mitigating pollution and 2) creating an educational feature at the school that could help future students learn how to reduce stormwater pollution.

Many people rallied to help Sage achieve her vision.  Members of the school’s Earth Service Corps, the Seattle School District, Sustainable West Seattle, Sustainable Seattle, Stewardship Partners, and Friends of the Cedar River Watershed (FCRW) all worked together to bring the idea to fruition.

Kudos to all – and to Laura James for creating the video documenting the hard work.



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