Morgan Junction Festival Saturday, Music, Food & SWS

The  6th Annual Morgan Junction will take place at Morgan Junction Park and vicinity this Saturday, June 25, from 10:00 am through 7:00 pm.  Music will take place on a stage set up in the Beveridge Place parking lot and near the crawling rock in the adjacent park.

Kids activities include Bubble Man at 11:15 am, chalk drawing on the art sidewalk in front of the park all day long, face painting, and gymnastic activities supervised by Little Gym.

Booths will be set up behind Zeeks/Feedback Lounge and across the street at the Washington Federal parking lot. Among those showing at the festival are:

  • Sustainable West Seattle
  • Solar Epiphany
  • West Seattle Natural Energy
  • Solstice Park P-Patch
  • Food Bank of West Seattle
  • Animals First Foundation
  • West Seattle Be Prepared and the Block Watch Captains Network
  • South Seattle Community College
  • many, many more local vendors and service providers

Music will begin at 10:30 am and run continuously through the day, there are two music areas – the main stage in the Beveridge Place parking lot, and the Park stage in Morgan Junction Park.  Featured musicians are:

  • 10:30 – Minor Dissonance with Wordsmith Jesse – classical pop
  • 12:00 – Soda – acoustic jazz and rock
  • 12:45 – Alan Ehrlich – folk and Americana
  • 1:15  – Bahia – folk and indie rock
  • 2:00 – Moon Girl – acoustic folk and rock
  • 2:30 – Norma Beach – rock and bluesy rock
  • 3:15 – Blue Grasshoppers – folk and bluegrass
  • 3:45 – Gary Reynolds and the Brides of Obscurity – alternative and alt rock
  • 4:30 – The Tongan Choir – Tongan music
  • 5:00 – Burley Mountain – alternative and classic country
  • 5:45 – Hal Merrill – steel pedal guitar
  • 6:15 – The Offenders – 60’s through 90’s rock cover songs

Also featured is the Bite of Morgan, a taste of the food available in the Morgan Junction area.  You will need to pick up a book of tickets at the Festival Booth (in the park).

Participating restaurants:

  • Meanders
  • Kokoras Greek Grill
  • Feedback Lounge
  • Zeeks
  • Abbondanza Pizzeria
  • Domino’s Pizza
  • Pet Elements (food for your dog or cat)
  • Caffe Ladro
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First Ever Annual NW Paddling Festival @ Jack Block Park

Join the Northwest Paddling Community on the Shores of West Seattle for the First Annual Northwest Paddling Festival. This is the big development to help get the paddling community together for a celebration of the power of the paddle.

There will have a demo beach, presentation/classroom tents, vending booths, instruction beach, demonstration area, food, fun, and music. Come out if you are an experienced padder or a novice who is interested in learning more about the sport. Rain or shine, sign up here as registration is limited! We are also looking for volunteers, if you would like to give a hand in putting together this event.


  • Sea Kayak and SUP Demo Beach
  • On-Water Instruction
  • On-Water Demonstrations
  • Open Air Paddlesports Market with Vendors
  • Alki Paddling Challenge, Race on Saturday June 25
  • Classroom Presentations and Instruction
  • Music, Food, and Fun!

For more information and to sign up for the challenge race or to sign up for volunteer duties, go to

The event is being co-sponsored by Sustainable West Seattle partner Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition, the Port of Seattle, the Environmental Protection Agency, Paddle Events LLC, Sea Kayaker Magazine, and West Seattle’s own Alki Kayak Tours.

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Orca Stewardship Training


The training will take place at the Alki Community Center, 5817 Southwest Stevens St., Learn more about the southern resident orcas, issues impacting them, and what you can do to make a difference. Become an Orca Steward and help us turn the tide for the whales.

Pre-registration is required at Brown Paper Tickets.  ( Attendance is limited. Register early!

This project funded in part by a Neighborhood Matching Fund award of the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.  The training is presented by The Whale Trail –

About the Training

Puget Sound is home to three pods of orcas (J, K and L pods). These beloved and iconic marine mammals were listed as Endangered in 2005. Threats contributing to their decline include lack of prey, toxin accumulations, and stress and noise from vessel impacts. If current trends continue or worsen, they could go extinct in as little as 100 years.

Residents of the Puget Sound region have a tremendous impact on whether the orcas will make it. This pilot program will teach how individuals can make a difference for the whales, the Sound, and the marine life that it sustains. As part of the program, participants will be encouraged to make a commitment to one or more specific stewardship actions.  Lunch will be provided.

About The Whale Trail

The Whale Trail is a series of sites around the region where the public may view orcas and other marine mammals from shore. Its mission is to inspire appreciation and stewardship of whales and our marine environment. The project is partnering with groups, agencies and communities around the region to select and develop the Whale Trail sites, and to create and deliver educational programs. With 20 sites established, the project plans to add at least 20 more this year, including four in West Seattle. For more information, visit or, or contact

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Tools To Help Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle for Earth Day, Everyday

In honor of Earth Day 2011, here’s some useful tools to help you assess your carbon footprint, determine if there are ways you can cut down on energy use, help you find ways to contain storm-water runoff, and other useful items from a wide variety of organizations including King County and Seattle public utilities.

How big is your footprint and what can you do to make a difference?

You can also help reduce your use of paper and therefore save in the conversion of trees into pulp and the attendant issues associated with that process.  Here’s some ways you can reduce your use of paper.

You have a choice when it comes to how much junk mail, credit card offers, catalogs and phone books arrive at your home and workplace.

Help your recycling reduce bulk by opting-out of phone books and taking your name off catalog and junk mail distribution lists.  Here’s links to ways to do this:

Reduce, Reuse what you can, and then Recycle.  It’s pretty easy. Do you have a question about recycling, composting or reducing waste? Ask Charlie, CleenScapes online inquiry and question form.

Seattle ecycling stations are open from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm seven days a week except major holidays.

  • North Station: 1350 North 34th Street (located in the Fremont/Wallingford area at North 34th Street, near Carr Place North)
  • South Station: 8105 5th Avenue South (located south of the First Avenue South Bridge)

You can even see the waiting lines on-line at this link:

For other recycling options in the Puget Sound area, visit the Take It Back Network.

Comments on Boeing Plant 2 Cleanup Due May 28



Aerial View of Duwamish River


The Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition asks “What’s New Along the Duwamish River?”

The Boeing Plant 2 toxic cleanup is in progress!

Some of the old Boeing Plant 2 building has already been demolished. This is the first step towards cleanup and restoration of the site. The Boeing Company will pay to remove the contaminated mud from the river and in the upland areas below the old facility. This is currently the river’s most toxic site, and its cleanup will be a huge step forward for the river’s cleanup and restoration progress. Click here to view more information about Boeing Plant 2.

Your comments are needed by May 28th!

DRCC/TAG is reviewing the proposed cleanup plan, and will submit formal comments by the deadline on May 28th. We want to hear your comments and questions: Click here to email us! or call: 206-954-0218

EPA will accept written comments from the public on their cleanup plans for Boeing Plant 2 until May 28, 2011. This is the only opportunity for the public to give opinions on plans for the cleanup at the Boeing Plant 2 site.

Comments can be sent to EPA via email to:

Please cc: DRCC/TAG on emails at:

Standard postal mail comments can be sent to:

U.S. EPA, Region 10, ATTN: Shawn Blocker, 1200 6th Avenue, Suite 900, AWT-121, Seattle WA, 98101

DRCC Comments & Recommendations:

  • 1. DRCC supports EPA’s selected cleanup options – N2 (north bank) and S4 (south bank) remove the most contaminated mud, provide the thickest barrier, and are less vulnerable to earthquake damage.
  • 2. Extreme care needs to be taken to prevent the spread of contaminated mud during dredging, because escaping mud could wash up on South Park beaches.
  • 3. The cleanup needs to be coordinated with pollution control efforts up- and downriver or the area could be recontaminated. It is important to protect our investment in cleanup, as well as to ensure long-term protection of the environment and people’s health.



Draft Shoreline Master Program Regulations Posted for Review

The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) is pleased to present the draft Shoreline Master Program (SMP) regulations and proposed amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Accompanying these documents is the Director’s Report that summarizes the proposed changes to the SMP. We encourage you to review these documents and send us your comments. The documents are available on CD or hard copy by request, and at the following website:

The update of the City’s SMP regulations is mandated by the Washington Department of Ecology. The SMP constitutes the policies and regulations governing development and uses on and adjacent to marine and freshwater shorelines. This includes the waters of Puget Sound, Lake Washington, Lake Union/Ship Canal, the Duwamish River and Green Lake, as well as associated wetlands and floodplains. These policies and regulations affect land uses, structure bulk and setbacks, public access requirements, bulkheads, docks, piers, and construction practices.

In addition to the draft regulations and polices DPD will be releasing a restoration plan in March 2011. The restoration plan is part of the SMP.

Please provide your written comments by May 16, 2011, to Margaret Glowacki via e-mail at or via US mail at:

Margaret Glowacki, City of Seattle – DPD, 700 Fifth Ave. Suite 2000, P.O. Box 34019, Seattle, WA 98124-4019

In March, DPD will host a public meeting to present information on the SMP update process and the proposed amendments. In the spring, Mayor McGinn will submit legislation to City Council. City Council will provide additional opportunities for public participation before adopting legislation.

King County 2010 Environmental Report Available Online

The King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks has published its 2010 annual report on Environmental Stewardship in King County.

Environmental Stewardship in King County, the 2010 Annual Report for King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, describes the department, what it was tasked to do and what it accomplished in 2010. The report provides maps, facts and figures to convey the breadth of department responsibilities and includes overviews of executive initiatives, performance measures and results, and awards won by the department in 2010.

The 2010 Annual Report describes accomplishments by the department’s four divisions:

  • Wastewater Treatment;
  • Water and Land Resources;
  • Solid Waste, and
  • Parks and Recreation.

The report also outlines the 2010 achievements of the King County GIS Center, and includes an overview of finances for the department and its divisions.

Environmental Stewardship in King County, the Department of Natural Resources and Parks’ 2010 Annual Report, is available in PDF format, and is available in sections for faster download. To request a paper copy of this report, please call 206-296-6500.

Click here to download he full document  – Environmental Stewardship in King County, 2010 (6.5 Mb).

Becoming a Steward of Puget Sound

By Cate White, MPA Earth Systems Science, Policy & Management & Coordinating Council Member, Sustainable West Seattle


Puget Sound is sick. Polluted runoff from sealed surfaces like paved streets, sidewalks and rooftops is the number one source of toxins entering Puget Sound each year. This toxic mix threatens human health, the economic vitality of the region, and the survivability of the Sound’s most emblematic species: salmon and orcas.

The good news is that local community members can adopt behaviors that will reverse the damage to Puget Sound and restore it to health. Our citizens are the stewards of the same streets, sidewalks and rooftops that convey 14 million pounds of pollutants into Puget Sound each year. Pollutants include motor oil, pesticides, fertilizers, grease, paint, heavy metals, and bacteria.

There are simple actions people can take to become stewards of Puget Sound. Among the most important are:

  1. Keeping water on-site with rain barrels, water cisterns, rain gardens, and porous surfaces,
  2. Practicing natural yard care,
  3. Picking up pet waste,
  4. Walking, biking, or riding public transit instead of driving,
  5. Planting and protecting native evergreens, and
  6. Using car wash facilities or washing cars on lawns instead of washing cars on driveways.

1. Keep water on-site with rain barrels, rain gardens, and permeable surfaces

A big part of the problem with polluted runoff is that it runs quickly over hard surfaces and collects toxins that flow directly into our streams, rivers and Puget Sound. Rainwater retained onsite that percolates through soil can cleanse many of the toxins.

Keeping water on-site may sound counter-intuitive. One might think “if the polluted rainwater runoff is bad for Puget Sound, then it must be bad for my yard.” But that isn’t exactly true. A healthy soil profile with lots of microbes and fungi can help degrade many of the pollutants like hydrocarbons that wash off our streets and driveways. Some mushrooms can absorb heavy metals too (although they do require proper hazardous waste disposal). So filtering rainwater through healthy soils is a first step toward cleaning the water that goes into Puget Sound.

There are many ways to retain water on one’s property. You can use rain barrels to collect water that is later used to water gardens. Or, you can build a special kind of garden called a rain garden to absorb rainwater. Or, you can replace cement surface with permeable surfaces that absorb water. Learn more about each of these alternatives at

2. Practicing natural yard care

Directing rainwater into porous surfaces for absorption is half the solution. The other half is making sure that those surfaces have the ability to break down pollutants. Soils rich in organic matter that have lots of microbes are critical to solving polluted runoff because those microbes can start metabolizing and degrading many pollutants. Soils that have chemicals added like synthetic fertilizers, pesticides (herbicides, fungicides or insecticides) and other unnatural chemicals don’t develop the microbial populations that are necessary to break down pollutants. So any garden made to absorb rainwater should be organic.

The best things to add to your soil are organic compost and woodchips. You can work compost into your annual/vegetable beds, but topdressing soil with two inches of compost works fine. Raking a one- to two-inch compost/sand mix into your lawn can help absorb more rainwater as well. Woodchips in perennial beds and natural areas help create an environment similar to a forest floor in the Pacific Northwest, encouraging beneficial fungi. Soils in need of nitrogen can benefit from a “mulch sandwich: two inches of compost with three to six inches of woodchips on top.  Avoid bark. It repels water and resists breakdown, suppressing the fungal populations that plants need. Woodchips can be obtained from tree trimming crews working in your area.

3. Picking up pet waste

Creating a poop-free Puget Sound is more important than you might think. According to King County, there are more than 200 tons of pet waste deposited in the Puget Sound region every day, and water runoff flushes some of it into streams, rivers and Puget Sound. Dog poop contains things like E. coli, Giardia and Roundworms – nasty stuff that we don’t want in Puget Sound. The very best thing you can do when walking your dog outside is to bring plastic bags, pick up the poop, and dispose of it in a trash can. Do not contaminate your compost with pet waste. This is one of those rare cases where throwing something away is the best option. Or, if you have trouble managing your dog’s mess in a dog-run, you can line it with arborist woodchips 1-foot deep to allow beneficial fungi to filter pollutants.

4. Walking, biking, or riding public transit instead of driving

Oil and gas from cars and heavy metals like zinc and copper that come from tires and brake pads create a toxic nightmare for Puget Sound’s marine life. The Seattle Aquarium estimates that more than 2 million gallons of used motor oil ends up in Puget Sound each year.   And according to Seattle Public Utilities, “even small amount of oil can smother fish eggs and developing shellfish in our lakes and streams. Just 1 pint of oil causes a slick the size of 2 football fields.”

We can all drive less to reduce pollution. When you have the option, choose to walk, bike, or ride the bus instead of driving a car.

5. Planting and protecting native evergreens

Our native forests are integral to our success in reducing polluted runoff. Native evergreen trees are stormwater-holding tanks. For example, a mature evergreen can absorb as much as 250 gallons of rainwater a day.  However, we are losing our native forests not only to development, but also to invasive species like English Ivy, Holly, Laurel, Knotweed and Himalayan Blackberry.

You have a lot of options to help plant and protect our native evergreens. If you have a large yard, you may consider planting evergreen trees. If you have an evergreen that has been taken over by English Ivy or Wild Clematis, you can periodically cut the vines at the ground and at chest level to keep if from fruiting and re-infecting forest restoration work elsewhere. If you prefer getting some social time in while saving the Sound, consider joining restoration efforts.

  • Groups that run forest restoration projects include: The Nature Consortium, the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition, EarthCorps, or Green Seattle Partnership.
  • Good trees and shrubs to plant include Madrona, Doug Fir, Western Hemlock, Western Red Cedar, Evergreen Huckleberry, Shore Pine, Pacific Rhododendron, Salal and Sword Fern. Non-native plants (Rosemary, Thyme, fruit trees) for food or ornament are fine, as long as they’re not invasive.
  • Garden Cycles is a West-Seattle based business that removes invasive species:
  • The West Seattle Nursery has a good selection of native plants:

6. Using car wash facilities instead of washing cars on driveways

Finally, there is the car wash. Soaps can include phosphates, which can lead to low oxygen levels in our waterways, thereby killing fish through oxygen depletion. Soaps can also include phthalates that have been linked to reproductive problems and obesity. So, it’s best not to wash your car on your driveway and let soap wash down the storm drains. Going to a carwash is a much better alternative because the soapy water doesn’t go untreated into storm drains. If you are considering a high school fundraiser, ask your local carwash if they will give you discounted gift certificates for resale instead of washing cars in a school parking lot.

Why we should become stewards of Puget Sound

There is a lot at stake. Citizens are losing their rights to fish and swim in the Sound’s waters or to make their livelihoods from local fisheries and ecotourism. Warnings are posted around the Sound alerting people to the dangers of eating fish and shellfish. Over the past decade the gross revenue earned by Washington’s shellfish industry fell by two-thirds to $55 million in 2008 due in large part to pollution-related harvest closures.

We are also losing the salmon and orcas that underpin the identity of Pacific Northwest residents and help to drive tourism to our region. Puget Sound’s Coho Salmon are classified as a “Species of Concern.” Our orcas are the most PCB-contaminated marine mammals in the world and our Southern Resident Killer Whales are a federally listed “Endangered Species.”

We can reverse these trends. Exciting efforts are being implemented throughout the region to staunch the flow of polluted runoff using rain gardens. Seattle’s Street Edge Alternative Project (SEA Streets) used rain gardens and evergreen trees and shrubs to effectively reduce stormwater pollution by 99 percent. This creative use of “green stormwater infrastructure” actually beautified the community, increased its carbon sequestration capacity with lots of vegetation, and is promoting natural drainage. King County Wastewater Treatment Division now plans to implement similar “green stormwater infrastructure” in the Sunrise Heights and Westwood neighborhoods of West Seattle to reduce combined sewer overflows (CSO) at the Barton Pump Station.

Together, the citizens of Puget Sound can take small steps, like picking up dog poop, volunteering in a forest restoration effort, and going to the carwash – and large steps like building rain gardens – to restore Puget Sound to health. Through collective effort, we can hope to see robust salmon and orca populations once again.

Multiple ‘Duwamish Alive’ Work Parties On Earth Day

Come join over 1,000 volunteers at 13 sites across Seattle and Tukwila in a joint effort to restore the watershed of the Duwamish River.

Communities, non-profits, businesses, and families will be engaging in restoration efforts that range from on-the-river kayak cleanup to graffiti removal to pulling invasive species. The work parties go from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.   Snacks, tools, and gloves will be included, all you need to bring is yourself!

After the work party you can join Nature Consortium for a festival with free food, live music, and hands-on arts activities. To sign up, please email, or call 206-923-0853.  For more information contact Amy Truax, Restoration Project Assistant, Nature Consortium,

The locations where the work parties will take place are:

  • South Park:
    • Duwamish Waterway Park
    • River trash cleanup by kayak and canoe
  • Georgetown:
    • Gateway Park/8th Avenue South
  • White Center:
    • Roxhill Bog
  • Delridge / Pigeon Point:
    • Brandon Street Natural Area
    • Puget Creek Natural Area
    • West Duwamish Greenbelt/ Pigeon Point
    • Herring House Park/T-107
  • Tukwila:
    • Cecil Moses/NorthWind’s Wier
    • Duwamish Hill Preserve
    • Codiga Farm

Click here ror a Google map of the locations.

Barton Basin Sewer Overflow Project Public Meeting

King County Wastewater Treatment Division will be hosting a community meeting for Westwood and Sunrise Heights neighbors to discuss the Barton Basin CSO-GSI Project.

The meeting is Wednesday, April 6, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm at the Westside School, 7740 34th Avenue SW, the new name for the red-brick school one block east of 35th just south of SW Holden St.

Come  learn more about the proposed Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) project to control combined sewer overflows (CSO) at the Barton Pump Station near the Fauntleroy Ferry Dock.

This is the first of many opportunities for community participation and to learn more details about the project.  Meeting summaries will be posted on the following website – Seattle/BeachCSO/MeetingCalendar.aspx

For more information, special accommodations, or if you are unable to attend the meeting and would like arrange a small group meeting, please contact Maryann Petrocelli 206-263-732

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