Lowman Beach CSO on Next Parks Board Agenda

The Seattle Parks Board June 10 meeting will be at the  Activity Resource Center at Woodland Park Zoo, – located near the West Entry. Commissioners will tour the new West Entry at 5:00 pm. Members of the public are welcome.

The meeting begins at 7:00 pm and includes the annual briefing on the Woodland Park Zoo and a briefing on the Lowman Beach ParkKing County Combined Sewer Overflow Project.

For more information, contact Sandy Brooks, Park Board Coordinator at 206-684-5066 or check out their website  www.seattle.gov/parks/parkboard.

Current Park Board Commissioners are:

  • Neal Adams, Vice Chair
  • John Barber
  • Terry Holme
  • Jourdan Keith
  • Diana Kincaid
  • Donna Kostka
  • Jackie Ramels, Chair

The Agenda for this meeting is:

  • I. Call to Order 7:00 p.m.
    • Consent Items:
    • Approve June 10 Agenda; May 13 and 27 minutes; Acknowledgment of Correspondence
  • II. Superintendent’s Report 7:05
  • III. Oral Requests and Communication from the Audience 7:20 (for subjects that have not had or are not scheduled for a public hearing) NOTE: Speakers will be limited to 2 or 3 minutes each, to be determined by the chair and based upon # of people testifying. A maximum of 10 minutes testimony will be heard during Oral Requests portion of the agenda. Testimony in excess of 10 minutes will be heard prior to “Old/New Business”
  • IV. Briefing: Woodland Park Zoo Annual Report 7:30 Presented by Zoo Director Deborah Jensen and Deputy Director Bruce Bohmke
  • V. Briefing: Lowman Beach Park-King County’s Combined Sewer 7:55  Overflow Project, Presented by Kevin Stoops, Seattle Parks Director of Planning and Development
  • VI. Old/New Business 8:20
    • Committee Reports
  • VII. Adjourn 9:00

*Times listed for all agenda items are approximate & agenda items may not be taken in the order listed. Please address all correspondence to: voice mail: 206 684-5066 or Sandy Brooks, Coordinator e-mail: sandy.brooks@seattle.gov


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