Don’t Feed the Tox-Ick Monster Seven simple actions that can help reduce the flow of polluted storm water into Puget Sound



Please join Laura James Co-Director

Saturday June 1, 2013 12:00 – 12:45

Highline Community College MaST Center Located near the Redondo Beach Park

For directions and more information on the MaST Center please visit

Polluted runoff from our streets, driveways and yards is the #1 source of toxics entering Puget Sound each year. Many people think that runoff gets treated, but that isn’t true. Each year about 14 million pounds of pollutants flow into Puget Sound, threatening the future of our precious waterway and the creatures that call it home. Don’t Feed the Tox-Ick Monster empowers ALL of us to be a part of the solution by teaching Seven Simple Actions which can help protect and restore Puget Sound and the surrounding waterways.

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