Have you ever wondered how all the water running along the streets during a rain storm looks to the fish?
Time-lapse that our team shot off Alki Beach – Seattle, WA
This site is one of the storm water outfalls that our team is surveying for a project baseline (www.projectbaseline.org). We are looking at both the heavy plastics and debris on the bottom (which makes an underwater garbage patch) and the beach plastics that are far more prevalent after a heavy rain storm. Our hope is to enlist non-divers and divers in the surveys, grow public outreach, and using multi-media, share the necessity of encouraging storm water management ‘best practices’ that are imperative due to the impervious concrete jungle we have created.
https://vimeo.com/51456008 (no audio)
or if you like it with a bit more bass, try:
https://vimeo.com/51491938 (bassnectar version)
If you are curious about the number of outfalls, more info can be found here: