Seattle, Feb 14, 2010 – In September the Environmental Protection Agency completed their second five-year review for the Pacific Sound Resources site (the Duwamish Superfund area). The review identified follow-up work which is planned for the next five years, including:
- Revising EPA’s 1999 cleanup decision based on a better understanding of standards needed for long-term protection of ground water, surface water, and sediment (mud).
- Gathering information to see whether contamination is entering Elliott Bay.
- Adding more clean material to the sediment cap in the deepest water at the site.
- Working with the U.S. Coast Guard to protect the cap by restricting use of large commercial boat anchors.
- Evaluating indoor air quality at a maintenance building.
Contact Ravi Sanga ( at 206-553-4092 or Cindy C. Schuster ( or 206-553-1815 for more information. Hard copies are available for review at the EPA Region 10 Superfund Records Center in Seattle.
Or, you can review most of the material at the EPS’s Puget Sound Resources webpage
Editor’s Note: This was originally published late 2009 but is worth re-publishing because of the ongoing commitment to the Duwamish River Cleanup.