A huge shout out to Jennifer Dumalo, the outreach Manager for the Environmental Science Center!
Todays Tox-Ick.org presentation was organized in concert with Jenny Pell from Permaculture Now!
The LID (Low Impact Development) workshop was held in the Burien Library and City Hall building. It was an excellent venue, with comfortable seating for numerous attendees and enough room in the back for light refreshments (including Whale Tail Chips) and tables for our Tox-Ick.org informational presentation board, pamphlets and brochures from many partner organizations such as Rainwise, King County, Puget Soundkeeper Alliance, Seattle Public Utilities, Puget Sound Partnership’s Puget Sound Starts Here, just to name a few.
After the presentation, the audience members handed in their Tox-Ick.org pledge forms (3 things for 3 months, thats all we ask!) and names were then drawn at random for some EXCELLENT prizes graciously donated by: The Seattle Aquarium (this was a huge hit!), Zipcar (who couldn’t use some driving time??), Elephant Car Wash, Tully’s Coffee and Alki Auto Repair. At the end of the year, all the names will be put in a BIG HUGE HAT, mixed up, and drawn for our GRAND PRIZE, a family membership to the Seattle Aquarium! Many thanks to our donors, without you this wouldn’t be possible!
We are very grateful for opportunities such as this and would love to bring the Tox-Ick.org presentation to a business, school, community center, church, library, coffee shop, synagogue, or pizza place near you! We are taking applications for our ambassador program, so if you are interested in helping stop The Monster, please email Cate (at) tox-ick.org or Laura (at) tox-ick.org.
Our next tabling event and presentations will be during World Water Week at Chief Sealth High School on Tuesday March 19 at the community resource fair between 6-7pm, and Friday, March 22 for two presentations at 9:50 and 11am.
There will be an 8 min “update and intro to Tox-Ick” at the upcoming Whale Trail Monthly Speaker Series on March 28
In April, DiverLaura will be giving an evening talk at the Environmental Science Center’s Earth Day Dinner and Silent auction on April 20th, Tox-Ick.org as Keynote Speaker, how exciting is that?!
Photo’s courtesy of Norma Tompkins and Laura James
This project is funded in part by a Lower Duwamish Air and Water Quality Improvement Grant from the King County Wastewater Treatment Division.
The content herein does not constitute an endorsement by King County Government, it’s employees, and its elected and appointed officials.