The past few months have been wildly exciting with the release of the new book We Are Puget Sound from Braided River and Mountaineers books. DiverLaura and Tox-Ick were featured in a short vignette and therefore have been invited to join in the campaign which means more opportunities to reach a broader audience with our Stormwater education and messaging.
Our Patagonia event was a brilliant success, standing room only and attendees got a chance not only to learn about stormwater and issues surrounding it, but actually be immersed in a scuba dive in virtual reality where they experience a stormwater outfall in person via Virtual Reality. Thanks to this emerging technology you the viewer are now able to see the ‘whole’ scene, there is not editorialization, no picking the worst shots for the most impact. YOU can see the storm drains the I dive with (without even getting wet!) and hopefully it will help communicate the urgency of the issue more clearly.
Stay tuned for more upcoming events, there will be local Tox-Ick/Virtual Salish See events at Alki Community Center AND #wearepugetsound events around the region.